Apr 24, 2008

It's Looking at Me

It's Looking at Me
Originally uploaded by tsampson_2000
Todd Sampson Had This On His flickr and I Just had to Share!


Rhonda Olin said...

I don't think I could eat it - it spooky to have it look back at you.

Todd Test said...

Hey Stephanie... The fish was actually quite tasty. And it wasn't half as scary as this was:



Kann Do Girl said...

Don't want to eat anything that is looking back at me:)

Tess Anderson said...

Eeeeewww, Stephanie...!! you know I'm a seafood freak but I lost my appetite when I saw this!! ha, LOL You are so funny. harrr, LOL

Adrian Castle - Google Me

'Google Me - the Movie' on You Tube Check it out!! Yeah!