May 31, 2008

The Lone Blog Then What Now?

Seemingly with every individual situation, there comes a time that you hit a wall of sorts and say to yourself "Then, Now What?"

You could be steadily plugging along with your given project for a year, month, week, or even just for a day and then "BAM!" The wall presents itself...

I have come to the realization that is sometimes inevitable and a quite needed event. Especially if you on a lengthy mission, quest, or creation. And to that I say... "No Worries :)"

Be certain to take these times for what they are exactly, a time to sow, a time to reap, and a time to rest and regroup. A download time for your mind and self if you will. Let yourself absorb where you are, where you are now going, and where you have been so far. What have you already accomplished? What dreams and goals are shooting for and wish to obtain? Let it all wash over you, Enjoy your accomplishments, let them creep into your immediate thoughts and soak them up like a sponge.

Above all do not let the "Guilt" or "negative feelings" slip in and subdue you. Letting these thoughts and feelings in at this time of resorting will set the concrete on your feet. Getting the correct hammer to break that concrete will be much more difficult standing still then it will if you accept things as they are and quit fighting it.

Everything happens for a reason and there really is a time and purpose for every thought, feeling, and episode of your life. Knowing and embracing this is ninety percent of the uphill climb. Once you understand that this is all part of the process, then you too will fall sweetly into the "No Worries" side of life.

So, in summation of "Then Now What? Consider and listen to your inner voice, take things as they come, one at a time, Pray over each challenge, be thankful for what you have been given the good and bad (perception is the key here as the "bad" isn't really, it's just a time of learning and faith), be respectful to yourself and others, breathe, and plug along to meet your goals.

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me

May 30, 2008

The Lone Blog On My VM Team

Holy Cow! My VM Team's Wetpaint Wiki is ranked in the Top 500 Wetpaint Wikis at number 186 out of more than 950,000!

What an outstanding site for the new and advanced Internet marketer! We have a tremendous team here at My VM Team that shares information on what is working Right Now with their own personal Internet business opportunities.

In this mighty team there are SEO experts, Blogs and Social networks experts, communication managers, technical professionals, and everyday people all combining skills to tailor their individual online presence and marketing techniques for their own personal business opportunity. Whether they have an online business or a brick and mortar business, My VM Team gets the information out in real time and FREE!

If you would like to get some free marketing tips

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me ;)

May 22, 2008

The Lone Blog Mashable

Mashable Social Networking News is a cool site and has listings for employment in the "Industry".

This is just a short overview for now, but I will venture deeper into this site later today. Here is a short section of a listing from Fanscape on Mashable:

"Director, Social Media Marketing
from Fanscape
Jobs Available | Thu May 22 09:09:24 -0700 2008

Los Angeles

Fanscape is a leading new media marketing agency focused on reaching and activating consumers through online and mobile media. With 10 years of experience, Fanscape’s team of creative experts develops unique strategies to motivate the newest generation of web and mobile savvy consumers. Fanscape works with many of the most well known brands, musicians, films, television shows, and innovative technologies."
Read More:

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me ;)

May 19, 2008

Importance Demands Time

Things we place high on our important list, Demand Time and Require Time. These things we deem important would soon fall off this list if we then did not give them the time demanded.

What do you place high on your important list? Is it family, work, socialization, research and knowledge, prayer, clubs or groups?

Now... step back and see how much time you actually give these important things. Create a pie chart and fill in the spent time everyday. Whats the biggest piece? The second biggest? Or third?

Where is your importance placed really?

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me ;)

May 18, 2008

The Lone Blog Google Me?

Does the title of your site reflect the added content? What does your blog comment and inform about? What drew your attention to your own individual business? These are the questions to consider when thinking on what Google Me means. It has a personal twist for everyone and not all people will search the same phrases.

Whether you use the pay per click methods or free marketing methods, the search engines of Google, Yahoo, Ask, and many others have different ways that they rank your searchable keywords. The system of linking your personal name, nickname, and business keywords together is like a motor boat on the river. The motor boat would be the major search terms and the wake of this boat will then carry your name and nickname with it to the top of the original search terms. It's like bringing a friend to the shore, up and involved with the beach party.

Once you begin to include your name in the wake of other keywords, be certain to live up to these other search phrases and gain a growing knowledge of them. Become an expert in these search terms and understand what the people searching these terms are really looking for. Immerse yourself in the what, where of the searches and then discern who.

The what are they searching seems to be the first grasp of Google Me. Using the free tools at Google like their brilliant search tools, will help you decide your particular keywords.

Never get discouraged with the use of keywords and never let anyone tell you your chosen keywords are bad ones. You thought of it and connected it to your business, so others will too.

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me

May 17, 2008

The Lone Blog Generic MLM Traffic

The Lone Blog is an example of the Internet goldmine and the ways to market any generic MLM as the shovel. Keeping that in mind, you would not use a flat shovel to dig a hole or a round shovel for scraping dirt off concrete. The correct tool is essential to success. Which one to use? How about which ones to use? This is a better question by far. Choose the processes that are going to be enjoyable to you. Then consider the time you have available, the amount of financial investment, and the talents you have to market your generic MLM opportunity.

This quickest way to begin marketing generic MLM business opportunities is posting ads on the free Internet based ad sites. The shear quantity of free advertising sites on the net gives confirmation that they are working for somebody. To make them work for you and your business, you will need to spend some time and thought on the ad content and subject line. The magic of advertising is timing. The very same ad could be posted in the fall and the spring but have better results in the spring.Write up about ten different ads and around twenty unique subject lines to rotate between the sites. There are several kinds of free ad sites available to market your generic MLM opportunity. There are manual traffic exchange sites, ad trading sites, and stationary ad sites.

The manual traffic exchanges are brilliant. After you sign up as a free member, you start surfing on the site, viewing other ads and gaining points. The points are yours to use for posting ads of your own and allowing others to click and view your sites. Earning these credits keeps your ads up and running. Options for upgrading are very inexpensive if you come across a few that you enjoy clicking around on. Upgrading gives you more points and other benefits. Keep your upgraded sites to three or less. Decide by using the free service until you get comfortable there. Familiarity is essential for real traffic.

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter

May 16, 2008

The Lone Blog 100th Post

Joel Osteen just told a cool and thinky story!

A mans wife was preparing dinner. She was fixing a ham for supper. The man watched as she cut the ends of the ham off, she always cut the ends off before she cooked the ham and her husband asked her "Why do you cut the ham ends off?"

She was a bit taken back and said "Well, my Mom was the very best ham cooker in the whole of the world and this is how she fixed it."

The man thought for a moment and said "Well, can we call your Mom and ask her why she cuts the ends off?"

The wife agreed and they called and asked her Mom "Mom, how come you cut the ends of the ham off before you cook it?"

Well, the Mom was then a bit taken back and said "My Mother was the best ham cooker on this earth and she always cut the ends off."

"Why did she do that Mom?"

"I am not certain."

"Let's call Grandma and ask her then."

"Grandma, How come you cut the ends of the ham off before you cook it?"

Grandma said, "Well, I am the best ham cooker ever, but my pan is too small."

This story tells us that you need to question why you do things, is there a reason. Let's just not do things because someone else did them, empower yourself.

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me ;)

The Lone Blog Creation Takes Time

Creation .... Takes Time

Whether you design and build a home, poem, a raffle booth for a church fair, a song, novel, blog, hub, or web site, Creation ... Takes Time.

The LORD said, "Let There Be Light". GOD created Life and all thats in the World, then HE stopped and looked at HIS work, GOD saw that it was good and rested.

Frank Lloyd Wright and his organic architecture, who after creation, stopped and looked at his work as everyone agreed that it was good :)

The musical talents of James Taylor, Pastor Joel Osteens sermons, Terry Brooks novels, all take time...

Creation can be brilliant and remarkable, or as average and ordinary as plain white paper ( which to some, like me ;) is an inspiration to create something new ).

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me

May 14, 2008

The Lone Blog Getting Connected

Get Connected! Link Lists and More...

This is the reason we are getting our blogs going really. This is the whole get and stay connected.

Surf's Up Today! Heres a thought...Post often! About whatever, whenever...

Adding blog urls to your link list is as easy as copy from the address bar while you view the blogsite you are on (this is if you don't already have the url at your disposal :) Then paste it into the add page element called link lists, name the link, and save. No Worries.

List your blogsites first, then if you have any websites additionally on your list, place them towards the bottom of the link list. This will get more clicks and comments from outside our group.

Moving the items and urls in the link list is as easy as using the arrows along the side of the page element Link List. Open the link list with the edit click, look at it for a minute. There is an edit, delete, and then there are arrows here. Up and down arrows. Be sure to click these arrows with care, as you could inadvertently click the delete button :)

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google me

May 12, 2008

The Lone Blog Google Me Jim Killeen

Our lives and technology have become interwoven. Computers are now a focus of our daily lives rather than an addition to the tasks we perform each day. Strictly checking our occasional emails has become a thing of the past. Bringing the computers out of the den and into the main living area of the home for researching information, watching videos and sometimes gathering advice on the many websites available through the world-wide web. GOOGLE has produced the greatest impression and has enabled web users to connect, seek, and ultimately locate each other.

Webster's Dictionary has included the word GOOGLE as a verb in their listings and has officially made it a part of the English Language. The definition of this word is to look up, investigate, to explore, to seek out, or acquire answers. The refreshing addition to our verbiage of the twenty first century, is not only clever but useful. This lone word was invented and given the use for and definition of, by a single company started as ideas in a college dormitory and exploded into a daily need of millions every day.

Jim Killeen has taken this search engine highway experience and turned it into a documentary soon to be released. The director and creator is working on this documentary of his travels seeking out other men of same name that he discovered while GOOGLE searching his own name.

Jim Killeen's GOOGLE search of himself, ultimately set him on this quest for "himself". He found seven others labeled with the very name he was given at birth. His adventure takes off, quite literally, on an airplane to Ireland to meet with a man of the cloth. In his searches, he discovered a corporate VP in Saint Louis, a traffic engineer in Scotland, a retired Police Officer in New York, and a CEO in Australia. The adventure takes him along on his travels to meet the men who share his name from many different cities, towns, situations, and lifestyles. He was quoted to hold concern and hope by saying "I wanted them to be doing well in life."

Now that the film is in its final stages of development, Jim Killeen will be making public appearances, being highlighted in newspaper write ups, and being a guest speaker on radio spots. Technology is brilliant, but I think the doorway into a destiny does not always lead you to the same end. He traveled through the Internet door of a seemingly inhuman world, that brought him closer to the human interaction we crave and seek venturing onto the World Wide Web initially, but often are not aware of our needs until they present themselves.

I am a Blog Talk Radio Host and research enthusiast. I will see you at the beach, Playing Video Games, On Blogs and Social networks, Or Just Google Me!

Stephanie Haile Aka Wavecritter Google Me

May 10, 2008

The Lone Blog Tides, Currents, and Waves

The rise and fall of our Atlantic Oceans tides involves a great deal of energy. Within a twenty four hour time frame, there are usually two high and two low tides. Each high tide being about twelve hours apart and each low tide spacing the same time frame. Keeping track of the tides in a coastal community is as easy as turning on your radio to listen to the surf report or checking your local paper.

Surf's up basically closer to the full and new moon phases but it varies with the wind. The moons gravitational pull displaces water from both the earth's surface facing the moon and the surface directly behind it. The rise and fall of the tides, wind, and thermohaline circulation (thermo-heat, haline-salt) all drive the oceanic currents.

Tidal currents are the only kind that can readily be predicted. They are created by the sun and moons gravity making a current in the ocean close to the shore and in bays and estuaries and are the only currents affected by the gravitational pulls.

Wind is responsible for driving currents at or close to the ocean surface. Wind currents are generally measured in knots (1 knot is equal to 1.15 miles per hour) and effect a concentrated local area along the shore or larger areas out to sea.

Thermohaline currents are a slower moving current that happens when the difference in water density is occurring because of temperature and saline changes. These currents are found at shallow and greater depths and create a kind of circulation much like boiled water in a pot, but not near as drastic.

When observing the angle of a waves approach to shore, notice the break. A wave begins to break when the depth of the wave is half that of the depth of the floor where the floors grade escalates. A wind driven wave that becomes unstable, having elevated sharp angles is referred to as a breaker. Wave height is dictated by wind speed, direction, and length of time the wind has been blowing in that direction. Waves come in sets or patterns that are countable and somewhat predictable on any given day. Surfers watch the wave sets and choose which wave in the next set they will ride based on the breaking patterns of the previous set. Body surfers can tell which wave to catch by the strength of the undertow preceding the wave.

Tides, currents, and waves all have an impact on beach erosion. The explosion of energy released when a wave crashes the coastline causes sediment to be displaced and taken further out to sea know as longshore drift.

A rip current flows away from and perpendicular to the shore. It generally occurs between two breakers and is no more than eighty feet wide. If the waves are small, the rip currents are more numerous but weaker. If the waves are large, the rip currents are spaced further apart but more powerful. Taking some time to look at the wave patterns before you take a swim is the mark of safety and always stay close the life guard stations.

I am a Blog Talk Radio Host and research enthusiast. I will see you at the beach, Playing Video Games, On Blogs and Social networks, Or Just Google Me!

Stephanie Haile Aka Wavecritter Google Me

May 8, 2008

The Lone Blog Perseverance


The numerous and gifted quotes of Authors throughout the globe, speak on the subject of perseverance and pushing ahead. Climbing insurmountable mountains, forging rapid rivers, and trudging through the swamps of life to finally to get to your required destination.

Look at today as either climbing that slope or gaining some kind of wisdom to actually peak the summit tomorrow. Perseverance is defined in the dictionary as a noun. "The steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."

In reality, the steps taken to reach your end can never be viewed as in vain. The learning, teaching, people you meet, places you go, and experiences in life are but needed travel time to mold yourself into that what you seek.

Let's look at the quote by H. Jackson Brown "In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance." In this, he states that in the observation of a steam trickling down it's path, even when rocks and other obstacles prevent the stream from a straight line, the stream will fully reach it's desired area and destination.

To be constant and persistent is the key to any success be it online or otherwise. Keep reaching and pushing towards the outcome you are seeking and you will reach it :)

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me

May 6, 2008

The Lone Blog and The Blog Queen

I just started a new site to post weekly "Cool Blogs" that I find! A Wiki neato!

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter aka Blog Queen LOL :)

May 2, 2008

The Lone Blog An Inner Tube On The Ocean

Are you still hanging around like an inner tube on the ocean? Or have you hooked up with a Team? My VM Team is an outstanding team to get together and blog and make friends and have fun! If you would like to learn more about My VM team and its members come to!

Cool Beans and Enjoy!
Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me :)